  Step to Step Guide for a Beginner in iMovie iMovie for Windows   Video creation is now more crucial than ever with the rise of TikTok and Instagram reels. Business owners and creators are under press ure to mix out engaging videos quickly and affordably. If you are looking for a video editing tool then iMovie is one great tool for beginners. This wonderful editing software helps people cut videos into one cohesive project and come free with any mac. With the help of  iMovie for Windows , you can learn how to cut videos in iMovie and become a proficient editor so that you can mix out videos for YouTube, Instagram, and any other platforms. What is iMovie? It is a kind of linear editor. This kind of software is used to cut and edit videos, music, and graphics without changing any of the original files. Like other Apple products, iMovie is natural, the average user in mind. Here no one is a professional editor with years of experience and the developers of iMovie kn...

Movavi and iMovie Neck to Neck, Which video editor is the best?

Although there are a lot of video editors available in the software basket, users are looking for something that can provide multi-functionality. Something that is lightweight as well as gives the users experience the same as that of a professional video editor. The software provided by Apple are well known for the kind of experience that they provide while video editing, unfortunately, there are no iMovie for Windowsi.e., if you don’t have a Macintosh, you don’t get the professional experience. This taboo has been around for a long period of time but not anymore.

With Movavi being launched in the app store, the professional video editing experience is not a privilege anymore. It is the ideal video editor for windows users like iMovie for Mac. The best part is it is free. But iMovie comes with features that no other video editor has and these features cannot be replaced by any other feature. 

Movie For Windows - Movavi Video Editor
Movavi Video Editor

If you are planning to choose between Movavi and iMovie for video editing it can be a tough call, as one which is free on windows and the other that has some cool features that are not found in any other video editor at one place. Sills both of them possess the ability to provide professional video editing experience

So let's compare them and see who wins the “Best Video Editor Title”. But before that, I would like to say that both these video editors are capable of creating masterpieces out of the raw available clips and footage. So what do you look for in a video editor as a noob video editor? The answer is quite simple: it is the user interface of the editor. But we are not gonna compare them on that either because both the editors provide an easy under interface with icons that make the working process easy. 

Lets straight away talk about the difference which would help you choose your winner faster.


●    Platform Compatibility: Movavi runs on both Mac as well as Windows, iMovie only runs only on iOS and Mac OS.


●    A Basic Feature: Movavi allows you to make a slideshow out of photos but iMovie does not provide any such option. 

●    Versatility: Movavi provides you the feature of exporting your file into various file types without any issue. iMovie is restricted to provide you in fewer formats. 

●    Assets: Movavi comes with 100+ effects, filters, transitions, and stickers. There is a plus; they all come with royalty-free music and backgrounds. And iMovie has a back foot for the same. 

●    Affordability: Movavi can work on any computer or laptop with a decent amount of graphics, processor, and ram, but iMovie on the other hand is only available for Mac or iOS users and which can cost more than $100. Movavi is just $40.

So Who is the Winner?

Movavi is the true winner comparing it with iMovie. Why? Because people can download iMovie for mac only devices. In spite of the extra features that iMovie uniquely has, Movavi covers it all up with several of its bundles packed with effects and filters. With Movavi now no one needs the top-class Apple hardware to render and produce high-resolution videos.  


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